My Bromont Ultra 80km experience

Charles Cormier
15 min readOct 12, 2022


The madness began while I was still in Mexico. I had booked weeks ago the legendary Ironman Mont-Tremblant 2022. My dad called me a short while after during our weekly family calls. He told me about this ultra race in Bromont. I’d be there anyways in 2–3 months so I thought to myself “why not”?

This would be a very though race in the mountain. 3.5k meters altitude. Nonstop up and downs basically.

I’d initially set my sights on the mythical 160 km of this race, but then thought to myself “wow cowboy”. “You’ve got an Ironman race some time before, you might not have the time to recover. Also, you only have a Spartan Beast under your belt”.

The Spartan Beast was 21 km and indeed in similar terrains. Mountains, mountains, and more mountains. Altitude there was 3x-4x higher than in Bromont, Quebec, Canada. And yes, I had climbed Mexico’s highest mountain the same year. But still, 160 km frigging kilometers.

So just before my serotonin, impulsive brain set out to click the buy button to the 160 km, 380$ race, I came back to life and made the smart decision to “only” go after 80 km. Good decision, Charles!

I’m pretty sure I’d still have done the 160 km, I am that demented mentally. A pitbull that never gives up.



Charles Cormier

Entrepreneur, Co-Founder, Coach, Speaker, Futurist, Endurance Athlete, Husband, Friend, Monk